Comparison of free off line GPS software. This article contains a list with gratis but not necessarily open source software12 for a range of devices PC, laptop, tablet PC, mobile phone, handheld PC Pocket PC, Palm. Some of the free software mentioned here does not have detailed maps or maps at all or the ability to follow streets or type in street names no geocoding. However, in many cases, it is also that which makes the program free and sometimes open source3, avoid the need of an Internet connection,456 and make it very lightweight allowing use on small portable devices, including smartphones. Very basic programs like this may not be suitable for road navigation in cars, but serve their purpose for navigation while walking or trekking, and for use at sea. To determine the GPS coordinates of a destination, one can use sites such as GPScoordinates. GPS visualizer. Some software presented here is free, but maps may need to be paid for. In this instance, and in the instance that some maps of specific countries are not standardly available, Mobile Atlas Creator MOBAC can be used e. OziExplorerCE GPS tracking software demo download for PDA PND PNA navigators. Languages Espanol, Italian, German, French, Dutch, Czech. Official OziExplorer Web Site GPS Mapping Software for 4WD boating hiking with Moving Map Tracking, Navigation and Upload Download of Waypoints and Tracks for. Orux. Maps, Maverick, Sports Tracker, Maplorer. Some of the software mentioned can also be run on different devices than what they are intended for. A particular case in point is the Android software which can often be run on laptops or PCs running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X as well. This can be done using emulators. Some of the software mentioned here may run only on devices that are no longer commercially sold such as the Palm. Tech and Science topics phones, computers, gadgets, and the Internet, astronomy earth science, climate weather, environment green living and much more. Free and Open Source GPS Maps and Software for Navigation and Tracking. Pilot and Pocket. PC devices. However, these devices are often still obtainable via second hand websites. The Best Gps Software For Windows Ce' title='The Best Gps Software For Windows Ce' />Navigation softwareeditFree mapseditNavigation software with free maps often uses maps from the Open. Street. Map project. Name. Company. Type of device7Operating system. GPS able8Software with maps Follows streets Open source Remarks. Google Maps. Googlesmartphone, tablet. Android, i. OS Yes, yes. Sierra Games Leisure Suit Larry. No. Maps can be downloaded, but they expire after 3. The Best Gps Software For Windows Ce' title='The Best Gps Software For Windows Ce' />Here We. Go1. 1HERE Global B. V., Netherlandstablet, smartphone, Laptop online, PC online,i. OS, Android yes color maps, No. Free offline maps and navigation for GPS. Contains ads. Map. Factor1. 2Map. Factor, s. Czech Republic. Tablet PCAndroid Yes Open. Street. Map data, yes. No. Free OSM maps, optional non free Tom. Tom maps, ads. MAPS. ME1. 3Maps. With. Me Gmb. Hsmartphone. Android, i. OS,Black. Berry Yes Open. Street. Map data1. Yes Apache License 2. Navmii formerly Nav. Free1. 71. 8Navmii. Tablet PCAndroidYes Open. Street. Map data, yes Navi. Computer1. 9 Windows Phone. Windows Mobile yes, no For hiking and biking. Navit2. 02. 1none. Laptop, PC, tablet PC, smartphone. Windows for PC, Linux, Android, Open. Moko Yes Open. Street. Map and others, yes. Yes GPL 2Intended for road navigation. Open. CPN2. 2 Laptop, PCWindows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, Intel. Mac, Linux Fedora, Ubuntu, Cent. OS yes various charts and Open. Street. Map data, NAIntended for maritime navigation. Osm. And2. 3Osm. AND bv. Tablet PCAndroid Yes Open. Street. Map data, yes. Yes GPLv. Limited to 7 maps for the free version. Non free mapseditName. Company. Type of device7Operating system. GPS able8Software with maps Follows streets Open source Remarksi Boating2. Boating. Tablet, PC, Smartphonei. OS, Android, Windows Black. Berry. Yes. Yes. No. Marine Navigation Software, free program, but maps need to be paid for. Hand. Map2. 52. PC PalmPalm OSMay be a free program, but maps need to be paid for hence called shareware at Tucows Navionics Boating App2. Navionicssmartphone, tableti. OS, Android yes Open. Street. Map data, Intended for marine navigation, free program, but maps need to be paid for. Sail. Palm2. 8 PC PalmPalm OS Free program, but maps need to be paid for hence called shareware at Tucows, intended for marine navigation sailingSkobbler GPS Navigation 22. Tablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, No. Program is free and can be used without limitations online, offline maps need to be paid for after the first free one. Other GPS softwareeditField. Note3. 1Mobile Computinghandheld PC pocket PCWindows CE GPSLogger3. Open Project. Basic Air Data. Tablet, PC, Smatphone. Android. Yes, no specific hardware. No. Yes3. 3Free and no ads. Exports in common formats and via email3. Tablet PCAndroid Miscellaneous unsorted softwareeditName. Company. Type of device7Operating system. GPS able8Software with maps Follows streets Open sourceRemarks. Maverick3. Tablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, No gv. SIG Mini3. Prodevelop. Tablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, Yes GNUGPL Open. Sat. Nav4. 0Kieran Fleming et al. Tablet PCAndroid, Open. Moko yes Open. Street. Map data, Minimap4. Tablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, Map. Droyd4. 2Cloud. Made Deutschland Gmb. HTablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, Orux. Maps4. 3 Tablet PCAndroid Open. Street. Map data, No Alpine. Quest GPS Hiking Lite4. Tablet PC,Android And. Nav 24. 5 Tablet PC,Android Big Planet Tracks4. Tablet PC,Android Sports Tracker4. Sports Tracking Technologies. Tablet PCAndroid, No. Does not allow navigation to specific points, only tracking. RMaps4. 84. 9 PCAndroid, yes , GPS points, and the current position. AFTrack5. 0 Tablet PC, handheld PC SymbianAndroid, Symbian OS series 6. Cache. Box5. 1 Tablet PC, PC, handheld PC pocket PCAndroid, Windows Mobile, Windows for PC Mapopolis5. Handheld PC PalmPalm OS USAMagellan Nav Companion5. PC PalmPalm OS Open. Street. Map data, TZGPS5. PC PalmPalm OS Open. Street. Map data, Trax5. Luke Klein Berndthandheld PC PalmPalm OS Soaring. Pilot5. PC Palm, some Pocket. PCWin. CE devicesPalm OS Open. Street. Map data, Originally intended for use in sailplanes. Coto. GPS5. 8 PC PalmPalm OS Originally intended for geocaching. Gps. Pilot5. 9 PC Symbian OneSymbian Maplorer6. PC pocket PCWindows CE, Mobile OSMtracker6. PC pocket PC, smartphone. Android, Windows Mobile Yes GPLv. VP6. 2 handheld PC, certain smartphones. Windows Mobile 5,6, 2. Open. Street. Map data, Cache. Wolf6. 3 Laptop, PCWindows, Mac OS X, Linux Glopus6. Laptop, PC, handheld PC Pocket PCWindows, Trek. Buddy6. 56. PC, laptop, handheld PC Palm, Symbian, Black. Berry, Windows Phone. Windows XP, Vista, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, Symbian Runs on Java, hence cross platformgv. SIG 2. 06. 7 PC, laptop,Windows XP, Vista, Linux, OS X GIS however can be fitted with GPS receiver and has support for it6. Open. Street. Maps, and many others6. Lucky. GPS7. 1 Laptop, PC, smartphone. Windows, Linux, Open. Moko yes , Mumpot7. Laptop, PC, smartphone. Linux, Open. Moko, GPE Pyroute7. Ojw. Laptop, PC, smartphone. Windows XP, Linux, Open. Moko yes , Tango. GPS7. 4Marcus Bauer. Laptop, PC, smartphone. Linux, Open. Moko Foxtrot. GPS7. 5 Laptop, PCLinux, Open. Moko yes , Tango. GPS, actively being developed, especially adapted for use with touch screens. Rana7. 6Ojwsmartphone. Open. Moko, Neo Freerunner Python, so possibly cross platform. Bike. Ator7. 77. Open. Moko, Symbian, tablet PCAndroid, Open. Moko, Symbian yes , Osmarender7. PCWindows, OS X, Linux Open. Street. Map data, Not intuitive. Mobile Trail Explorer8.