Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size Average ratng: 8,3/10 5160reviews

Issue 1. 98 git ftpgit ftp Git. Hub. Im seeing this behavior, with the curl warning too, in version 1. Endo Shusaku Silence. Edit, sorry, I get the curl warnings still, but actually the upload did work correctlyCurl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File SizeI am using php5 with curl fp fopen. URL error Uploaded unaligned file size. URL errorUploaded unaligned file size. PHP curlgetinfo Manual. Here are the response codes ready for pasting in an ini style file. Can be used to provide more descriptive message, corresponding to httpcode index of the arrray returned by curlgetinfo. These are taken from the W3 consortium HTTP1. Status Code Definitions, found athttp www. Protocolsrfc. 26. Informational 1xx1. Continue1. 01Switching ProtocolsSuccessful 2xx2. OK2. 01Created2. Accepted2. Non Authoritative Information2. No Content2. 05Reset Content2. Partial ContentRedirection 3xx3. Multiple Choices3. Moved Permanently3. Found3. 03See Other3. Not Modified3. 05Use Proxy3. Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size' title='Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size' />When used on an FTP or FILE file, curl displays the file size and last modification time only. Partial file. Hi all I have a strange issue I am hoping a Ubuntu guru can shed some light on. I have a curl script which is run by cron to upload a zip file once a day this is. Entry path is EPSV Connect data stream passively lt 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode 50000 Trying. Connecting to port 50000 TYPE I lt 200 Type set to I STOR prova4u. PROT P required Failed FTP upload 521 Uploaded unaligned file size 0 out of 21 bytes Connection 0 to host left intact no 25 Failed FTP upload 521 Closing. Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size' title='Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File Size' />Curl 18 Uploaded Unaligned File SizeUnused3. Temporary RedirectClient Error 4xx4. Bad Request4. 01Unauthorized4. Payment Required4. Forbidden4. 04Not Found4. Method Not Allowed4. Not Acceptable4. Proxy Authentication Required4. Request Timeout4. Conflict4. 10Gone4. Length Required4. Precondition Failed4. Request Entity Too Large4. Request URI Too Long4. Unsupported Media Type4. Requested Range Not Satisfiable4. Expectation FailedServer Error 5xx5. Internal Server Error5. Not Implemented5. Bad Gateway5. 03Service Unavailable5. Gateway Timeout5. HTTP Version Not SupportedAnd an example usage lt Couldnt initialize a c. URL handle ret curlsetoptch, CURLOPTURL,            http mail. CURLOPTHEADER,         1 ret curlsetoptch, CURLOPTFOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ret curlsetoptch, CURLOPTRETURNTRANSFER, 0 ret curlsetoptch, CURLOPTTIMEOUT,        3.